The Santa Ana winds are howling in Los Angeles tonight. Though they blow through every year, it feels auspicious this fall with Tuesday decisions looming. A year ago, I met a beautiful, funny, talented woman who told me about her ritual for the Sunday Scaries. Seeing my confused face, she took a step back and explained to me what the Sunday Scaries were. That time Sunday -whether for you its morning, afternoon, or evening - that it hits you have another week is ahead with its fresh horrors. It “all” starts again, anxiety mounts and you can feel paralyzed. Lately the Scaries seem to be every day and any day. The fires in the world continue to burn, with lives being lost across the globe, horrendous human rights abuses, daily struggles, and the upcoming election.
More than anything I want everyone to have a plan to vote - mail, in person or while doing a headstand. If you don’t have a plan there are some great resources for you at I WILL VOTE and VOTE SAVE AMERICA. The focus is always on the top of the ticket but the down ballot votes, propositions and measures have the most immediate impact on our communities. When we create strong local communities they can link up to create a stronger whole. Many states have measures on childcare, addressing issues of paid family leave, access and affordability.
This September I went to speak at the Senate in Washington D.C. with my then 3 month old, about the need for federal support for childcare as the keynote speaker with MAPP Impact Advocacy Summit. Lots of states have programs to support childcare but it’s still a massive cost akin to a mortgage in many cases. In fact, in some states the yearly cost of daycare is outpacing the yearly tuition at the same state’s colleges and universities. California provides many options, but A LOT of people still aren’t covered. Without a federal standard, if a family moves between states things can change drastically. Thankfully there is, finally, a lot of support for this among Senators and Representatives from across the aisle working towards this. And more importantly, there is support for this as an issue for everyone not just women. Even if you don’t have children, supporting parents is a boon to the economy. There is hope, we might join the rest of the developed world in providing this basic service. There are so many basic services and rights I keep hoping we will move to provide in this country.
There are so many issues to help guide you in your vote. Being able to be with my family, see my child thrive and still continue to add to the world, make art and share joy, the agency and safety of others in the world - this is what is guiding me. This Tuesday, I hope you vote for your own bodily autonomy, to protect those in your community especially the vulnerable, to support agency for all, for programs that ensure the future will thrive and consider stewarding the environment.

In these scary times, I have found it’s good to have grounding routines, comforting things, one can partake in when the Any Day Scaries hit. Whatever form it can take, I think it’s the routine that provides the comfort. A ritual, preferably shared with others is the best balm. In this house, it’s become Pizzeria Night. I highly recommend. We play it loose. Sometimes I cook, sometimes my guy cooks. Rarely do we use a recipe. Always, always - we are making a classic you might find at a dive Italian joint. Eggplant Parmesan, Lasagna, Meatballs, Pastas and of course PIZZAS. We tag team. My guy builds the dough, I fold and shape. He sets the table with fanfare, I miss and set out toppings. We layer the pies together and I fire them two at a time. Baby chants “Pizza, Pizza, Pizza.” There is at least 4-5 on the table before the night is over. It keeps the Scaries at bay another week.

Recently Published: I wrote about Melanie Masarin of Ghia for edibleLA Futurist column. Queen of N/A drinks, I am a big fan of the spritz and the Le Fizz they are launched this fall.
Classes: Fall Camp classes kick off this month with livestream lessons in how to make pizza, bread and donuts! Sign up today and join me for a few fun delicious weekend afternoons. In addition to livestream, I teach custom personal classes. This past month I was in Santa Barbara teaching a one on one decorating intensive. We made so much cake and the student did such a beautiful job learning and applying techniques fast! To book a private class, virtual or in person email

Inspired by: Edénique de Beaumont Floral Design food candelabras, especially those featuring pasta and strawberries.
Necessary Poetry:

Pizza Ideas to inspire you.

And while the wind outside shakes the trees and screeches in the night like a banshee, I hope you stay safe, and I sooth my soul knowing after it blows through the sky will be so clear.